Cable vs Satellite TV
Does cable TV have you scratching your head? Are you tired of increasing bills with no end in sight? Don't get us wrong, cable TV has its merits (and works out fine for some), but satellite TV has surpassed cable as the leading digital television provider for good reason. Read on to learn more about cable vs satellite TV...
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Discount Pricing
Decades ago, cable touted rock-bottom prices and an effective monopoly in the industry. Fast-forward to today, their infrastructure (cable lines, towers, etc) has severely impacted their growth and bottom-line. To service more and more cities, they have to heavily invest in construction, equipment and manpower. As a result, the base price for most cable TV has steadily increased to about $70/month. Satellite TV, on the other hand, is inherently simple. Whether you're on a farm in the middle of nowhere or smack dab in N.Y. City, there's no additional cost to satellite providers. Consequently, DIRECTV and DISH are both able to offer specials starting at around $30/month.
Sports Score Big on Satellite
As satellite TV programming evolved, sports (both specialty and global channels) drove its growth every step of the way. From regional sports channels to exclusive events, sport junkies were hooked from day one. In addition to the top 3 sports (NFL, NBA and MLB), DIRECTV touts channels dedicated exclusively to Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Cricket and more. DISH packages a variety of specialty sports into their Multi-sport Channel. Cable simply isn't able to provide the same level of local and global sports coverage, so if you're a sports fan, you'll probably want to go with satellite TV (especially DIRECTV).
Installation Differences
If you're in the unfortunate position of having to get cable newly installed (ie, your home isn't "cable-ready"), be prepared for unsightly wires and plenty of 'em. Since the satellite TV signal starts at the dish (not from a tower), installation is quicker and less invasive. For that reason, you can usually get your dish installed the very next day and within a tight time window (forget about having to wait all day). Advantage: Satellite TV.
Customer Satisfaction
At the end of the day, customers tell the full story. For 8 straight years, satellite TV has rated higher than cable in customer satisfaction according to J.D. Power and Associates. Cable customers frequently complain about technical issues with aging equipment or programming limitations. DIRECTV and DISH each carry cutting edge DVRs and equipment and come out with sleeker and better versions just about every year. In addition, their customer service department is open late every day of the week and, of course, all account management (ordering new channels, PPV, etc) can be handled 24/7 on the their websites.
Bottom line, cable had its run, but satellite TV has pulled way ahead and that won't be changing anytime soon. If you've decided to finally pull the plug on cable, congrats, you'll never regret the decision! To get you started, the banners below will take you to the top satellite TV deals in your area - enjoy your new service!