How we work
For over a decade, we've reviewed and compared the leading cable, satellite and internet companies out there. We're 100% independent and always consumer driven, meaning we analyze plans and services from a subscriber's point of view. Is this TV package fun enough for a big family? Is this internet plan fast and reliable enough for a small home business? Those are the type of questions we think about as we put together our reviews. Your awesome feedback and support over the years have helped curate our content as well.
How we make money
We enjoy what we do and would likely do it for free but to stick around for so long, we need a way to keep the lights (and server) on somehow. To do that, we have affiliate relationships with various providers. That means if you click on a link on the site and sign up we may receive a commission. You'll never pay any more an in some cases actually save a few bucks per month. Our relationship with those companies have never and will never affect our opinions, recommendations and rankings on the site. We're completely independent and will always be so. Our posts are never sponsored (no matter how nicely companies ask) - the product or service speaks for itself and we'll analyze it accordingly. Customer demand is a powerful thing so if a service has recently improved, we'll update our review when it adds enough value for subscribers.
So, thanks for stopping by and good luck in your search for your next home service. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions. Team
PS. If you'd like to learn more about us and our process, click here.